Category: YouTube

Working with Youtube

YouTube is a video hosting services provided by Google. You can create a YouTube Channel in which you can host your uploaded videos. Instructions on Channels and getting started can be found here.

Notes on using YouTube:

  • If you wish to create a new YouTube account (as opposed to using your primary identity, for ex.), you may do so. You can create a separate account and then switch between accounts easily in the upper right hand corner under your login name:

Create a new channel

With a Google Account, you can watch, like, and subscribe. Google Accounts don’t come with a YouTube channel by default; without a channel, you have no public presence on YouTube.

To upload, comment, or make playlists, create a public YouTube channel. Currently this can’t be done in the Android or iOS YouTube apps, but you can use the mobile site or a computer:

Create a personal channel with your name

  1. Make sure you’re signed in to YouTube.
  2. Try any action that requires a channel: e.g. upload, post a comment, or create a playlist.
  3. If you don’t yet have a channel, you’ll see a prompt to create a channel.
  4. Check the details (with your Google account name and photo) and confirm to create your new channel.

Create a channel with a business or other name

  1. On a computer or in a mobile browser, make sure you’re signed in to YouTube.
  2. Go to All my channels.
  3. If you want to make a YouTube channel for a Google+ page that you manage, you can choose it here. Otherwise, choose Create a new channel to set up a channel with a different name than your Google account name.
  4. Fill out the details to create your new channel.

Learn more about using a channel with a business or other name on YouTube.

  • If you already have a google account, you already have a YouTube Channel
  • On creating videos that are “hidden” see below:



In order to create a Playlist, watch the tutorial below. It’s pretty straight-forward and a Playlist is where you’ll be able to list out your videos and then annotate them in order, above the list of videos as is shown in the sample assignments page, above.

To add commentary/description once you’ve created your channel, go to “edit playlist” and add your comments in the box provided.



Once the Playlist is created, click on the “Edit playlist” button on the right hand side:

Once you’ve clicked on “Edit playlist,” you’ll see the place where you can annotate information for the playlist as shown below:


If you are interested in adding actual notes to videos on  your channel, watch this tutorial:


In addition, one can add links to images and other websites on their YouTube Channel. To do this, you need to:

  1. Be logged onto YouTube and looking at your main channel page
  2. Click on the About link below the header image
  3. Next, Mouse over the links area as shown below:

5. Click on the pencil icon on the right hand area of the moused-over image and you’ll then see the area where you can add in a name and URL to other items that you wish to share: 

6. Click “Done,” when complete.


An account on Google is not necessary to download and use Google Earth. However, an account on Google is necessary to use YouTube. You can create a new (non-primary identity) email account somewhere, such as Yahoo or Gmail, that you will only use for this class if you’d like. You can then use the Gmail account to login to YouTube. This will keep the courses communications and work in a separate place from your other work, if that is your preference.

To download Google Earth, please go to:

In addition, the requirements are as follows:


This is a video tutorial to introduce the basics of Google Earth.

This video tutorial goes over the basics of navigation within Google Earth.