Category: General

Welcome to Global Currents in Contemporary Arts (ARH 407-507)

Welcome to the multimedia assignment tutorial site for the course: Global Currents in Contemporary Art and the Venice Biennale, taught by Professor Mondloch.

Here you will find screen casts intended to help you understand how to use the program “Google Earth” as well as Youtube and other media required for the assignments within this course.

The site is set up as a set of pages, with each page hosting a video screen-cast on a particular aspect of Google Earth or another program. Of course, there are many more resources online regarding how to use these programs, which you are encouraged to explore.

There is also a page of resources with links to other items that you might find useful as you work through this course. Please don’t hesitate to contact tech consultant Sean Sharp if you need technical assistance. All other questions should be directed to Prof. Mondloch.

Good luck!

Adding Images, Video, Links, Documents, etc.

A note about images in Google Earth – Google Earth only allows images to be embedded in a place-mark if they are already online.

If you need help with this, please contact Professor Mondloch or tech consultant Sean Sharp at We will come up with a reasonable solution for this limitation. 

This means that if you have images that you want to use, you’ll need to post them online somewhere first, such as Flickr, or a UO Blogs page. Once they are online, then the images URL is used to embed them into a Google Earth place-mark.

How to add content to your Placemark:

When you are creating the Placemark, the placemark description box will show up with many choices to add information (see screenshot below): Name, description, colors, etc. etc.

There are also two buttons, one for “Add Image” and one for “Add Link.” When you click on the “Add Image” button you get a field that says, “Image URL,”where you place a URL which points to the location of the image that is already online. Important: images can only be added if they are placed somewhere online, such as Flickr, or even your own WordPress site (such as a UO Blogs site that you’ve created). 

When you click on the “Add Link” button you’ll see a field that says, “Link URL” where you put the hyperlink to the content that is online. This content can be an article in Wikipedia, a related journal article or even a .pdf file that is being hosted online.

For detailed information on annotating within Google Earth, see this page (It will open in a new tab).

The main text box is where you will add textual information about the placemark. You can use HTML in your text

The screenshot is below. Click to enlarge.


Saving a .KML or .KMZ file

In order to save your work in Google Earth, you’ll need to save the file as either a .kml file or a .kmz file. The difference is that .kmz files are “zippped” with a compression algorithm that allows you to include more stuff (places, tours, etc.) within the file. It will generally create a smaller file, too, which is helpful for sending as an email attachment.

To get started, you’ll need to go to the left sidebar in Google Earth and select the folder or item that you want to export and save. Once it is selected, then right-click (or on a Mac, “command-click”) and then choose “Save As . . .”

You’ll then be presented with a dialogue box allowing you to choose the file type (.kml or .kmz) and the location.

Set those and click on the Save button.

You’re done!



Sample Completed Assignments

Sample preliminary google earth map Example of the kind of map you’ll create for your individual research presentation during class.

Sample final google earth map Example of the kind of map you’ll create for your final project. (Note: this is just a very rough sketch of what you might create. Your version should give more attention to your country instead of emphasizing just the artist shown at the Biennale.)

Sample youtube video channel Example of the annotated youtube video channel you’ll create for your final project.


FERPA Consent Waiver

Please download, complete, sign and return this form to Prof. Mondloch by the beginning of the third week of classes.


UO Policy mandates that courses requiring the use of blogs, social media, or other publicly accessible communication tools require students to complete this form, sign it, and turn it in to the instructor. Additional questions about FERPA or students’ rights to privacy may be directed to the Office of the Registrar (541) 346-2935 or

Working with Youtube

YouTube is a video hosting services provided by Google. You can create a YouTube Channel in which you can host your uploaded videos. Instructions on Channels and getting started can be found here.

Notes on using YouTube:

  • If you wish to create a new YouTube account (as opposed to using your primary identity, for ex.), you may do so. You can create a separate account and then switch between accounts easily in the upper right hand corner under your login name:

Create a new channel

With a Google Account, you can watch, like, and subscribe. Google Accounts don’t come with a YouTube channel by default; without a channel, you have no public presence on YouTube.

To upload, comment, or make playlists, create a public YouTube channel. Currently this can’t be done in the Android or iOS YouTube apps, but you can use the mobile site or a computer:

Create a personal channel with your name

  1. Make sure you’re signed in to YouTube.
  2. Try any action that requires a channel: e.g. upload, post a comment, or create a playlist.
  3. If you don’t yet have a channel, you’ll see a prompt to create a channel.
  4. Check the details (with your Google account name and photo) and confirm to create your new channel.

Create a channel with a business or other name

  1. On a computer or in a mobile browser, make sure you’re signed in to YouTube.
  2. Go to All my channels.
  3. If you want to make a YouTube channel for a Google+ page that you manage, you can choose it here. Otherwise, choose Create a new channel to set up a channel with a different name than your Google account name.
  4. Fill out the details to create your new channel.

Learn more about using a channel with a business or other name on YouTube.

  • If you already have a google account, you already have a YouTube Channel
  • On creating videos that are “hidden” see below:



In order to create a Playlist, watch the tutorial below. It’s pretty straight-forward and a Playlist is where you’ll be able to list out your videos and then annotate them in order, above the list of videos as is shown in the sample assignments page, above.

To add commentary/description once you’ve created your channel, go to “edit playlist” and add your comments in the box provided.



Once the Playlist is created, click on the “Edit playlist” button on the right hand side:

Once you’ve clicked on “Edit playlist,” you’ll see the place where you can annotate information for the playlist as shown below:


If you are interested in adding actual notes to videos on  your channel, watch this tutorial:


In addition, one can add links to images and other websites on their YouTube Channel. To do this, you need to:

  1. Be logged onto YouTube and looking at your main channel page
  2. Click on the About link below the header image
  3. Next, Mouse over the links area as shown below:

5. Click on the pencil icon on the right hand area of the moused-over image and you’ll then see the area where you can add in a name and URL to other items that you wish to share: 

6. Click “Done,” when complete.

Getting Started

Welcome to the Getting Started Section. Below you will see how to install Google Earth and how to get started using it.

The other tabs teach you other aspects of Google Earth, such as how to add place marks, polygons, how to create a narrated tour, and a path.

Getting started with Google Earth:

Installing Google Earth:

If you’d like to install or upgrade to the latest version of Google Earth, you can download Google Earth here.

If you experience issues installing Google Earth through the Google Updater, you can directly download the latest version of Google Earth here:

To install Google Earth to a PC:

  1. Download the latest version of Google Earth from the following location:

  2. Double-click the file and go through the installation process
  3. You should now be able to run Google Earth by going to Start > Programs > Google Earth and clicking on the Google Earth icon.

To install Google Earth to a Mac:

  1. Double-click the .dmg file from your Downloads folder. A new folder will open with a Google Earth icon.
  2. Drag this Google Earth icon into your Applications folder.
  3. You should now be able to run Google Earth by clicking on the Earth icon from your Applications folder. If you’d like you may also drag the Earth icon to your dock for easier access.

If you have any problems installing, see the Installation errors section of this article.

Saving your work in Google Earth:

To save your places within Google Earth to either a .KML or a .KMZ file, choose the place, tour within the “Places” column in the left and right-click. Then choose, “Save As . . ” from the menu and choose the file format you prefer. .KML files generally work well for anything you’d like to save.

Paths and Tours


How to create a fly-over “tour” of points within Google Earth [note: the “how to create a tour” begins approx. 4:50 into the video]:


Here’s a tutorial on how to add Polygons to your maps within Google Earth (this allows you to call attention and highlight a particular area, such as a region or country):