Welcome to Global Currents in Contemporary Arts (ARH 407-507)

Welcome to the multimedia assignment tutorial site for the course: Global Currents in Contemporary Art and the Venice Biennale, taught by Professor Mondloch.

Here you will find screen casts intended to help you understand how to use the program “Google Earth” as well as Youtube and other media required for the assignments within this course.

The site is set up as a set of pages, with each page hosting a video screen-cast on a particular aspect of Google Earth or another program. Of course, there are many more resources online regarding how to use these programs, which you are encouraged to explore.

There is also a page of resources with links to other items that you might find useful as you work through this course. Please don’t hesitate to contact tech consultant Sean Sharp if you need technical assistance. All other questions should be directed to Prof. Mondloch.

Good luck!