Problems With These Claims

Over the years, Gobekli Tepe has been a main focal point for pseudoarchaeological “experts” as they try to discover these mysterious and ancient groups. Hancock, a prominent psuedoarchaeologist, concluded that the existence of these stones means “at the very least” meant that there must be an undiscovered group that were highly skilled in all the arts of a highly functioning civilization. The problems with this way of thinking are it draws conclusions from various places and sources, without any real evidence. Not only that, but it also deprives past civilizations of their cultural achievements by informing people that these works could not have been created by a group of hunter-gatherers, but must be attributed to some highly advanced group that has left zero trace of their existence. If we were to truly believe an ancient city existed with such advanced technology that predates even the Egyptians, we would expect to find evidence of domesticated animal bones, metal tools of some sort, as well as inscriptions and pottery.


Shermer, M. (2017, June 1). No, There Wasn’t an Advanced Civilization 12,000 Years Ago. Scientific American.

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