Claims Debunked

If Göbekli Tepe was visited by an advanced civilization or extraterrestrial beings, wouldn’t we expect to find some evidence of others on the site? It is unlikely that they would have left without a single trace of evidence left behind! 


The Baloney Detection Kit is an excellent way to separate fact from pseudoarchaeology. Bold statements do not make true claims! Saying that an advanced civilization was responsible for Göbekli Tepe draws conclusions with no real evidence to support the claim.

Also, by claiming that an undocumented civilization was responsible for the construction of Göbekli Tepe, you remove the achievement from the group of people who were actually responsible. Our ancestors weren’t dummies! They were more than capable of organizing and assembling this structure. 


The claim about the survivors of Atlantis being responsible for Göbekli Tepe is disproven by Plato’s story of Atlantis in the first place. Atlantis is a myth! Plato mentioned Atlantis as an allegory that warns of the threat of hubris.