Göbekli Tepe is an ancient human settlement. The hunter-gatherers who built the temple existed at a time that archaeologists had determined predated humanity’s capability to group together and worship, let alone transport 16-ton stone pillars to arrange in a ritualistic pattern. Theorists believe that these people were not yet advanced enough to coordinate and organize the construction of this structure on their own (History, 2018).
A “strange humanoid figure” was found 6 miles away from the site. Carved into the statue was a defined collar, which theorists believe depicts some sort of advanced space suit. Claims suggest that this figure represents an extraterrestrial from a lost civilization existing on Earth before the last ice age. This site is a remnant of some type of pre-flood civilization (History, 2019).
Graham Hancock, a prominent pseudoarchaeologist, claims that the pre-flood civilization responsible for the construction of Göbekli Tepe were the survivors of the lost city of Atlantis. Plato’s allegory of Atlantis stated that it vanished eleven thousand six hundred years ago, which lines up with the supposed construction of the megalithic site (London Real, 2016).
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