This company is profitable in all of the regions that it is currently selling to. However, Nunavut has a small number of sales and for those sales the profit per order is the lowest. This company should reconsider if they want to continue using resources on this region or focus more on others. For example, the Northwest Territory has the largest profit per order so marketing in this region could bring more profits to the company. As a business plan in regards to ways money can be conserved, cutting out these areas of minimal business may prove to be beneficial. The company may then be able to attempt extending their services in another direction if they choose to investigate doing so. The money saved may also be better spent on upgrades for the company itself, in regards to how it functions and how it sell its products. However, this is all just speculation, and the removal of these areas may turn out more detrimental than beneficial to the company. Overall, looking into these areas as a whole to gain more information still probably rests in being a good idea, based off the spreadsheets.
Our New Blog
Today we created a blog. This is our first post. We had to learn how to use wordpress. We aimed to make the site visually appealing by giving it a festive Autumn theme, adding a calendar as well to contribute to the concept of seasons. We are really hungry because this class is scheduled right before dinner. Our favorite things to eat are chicken, pizza, hamburgers, pot-stickers and fried rice. Our group members are Turlo Thompson, Christopher Nakata, Nic Freeman (Founder), and Gabrielle Greenblatt (awesome person).