Photo series on the spaces where young children across the world sleep at night.
Month: March 2015
Documentary: The Light Bulb Conspiracy
Great documentary on the pitfalls of the throwaway lifestyle.
NPR Story: Icelanders Protest Highway Construction as Disruptive to Elf Habitat
Yes, you read that right. Environmental groups and elf advocates have joined together to protest the construction of a mega highway in Iceland. In many parts of the world, the belief in mythological creatures is heavily imbedded in a deep respect for nature and the processes associated with development (such as urbanization and building of infrastructure) are often incompatible with these ways of life.
Full Story Here:
The Constitutions of the World- at your fingertips!
Look up specific provisions and passages, both current and past, of many constitutions around the world.
The Constitute Project is a joint effort of various NGOs, The University of Texas, and other private organizations to provide a user-friendly bank of laws and regulation worldwide. Users may search for parts of constitutions regarding a variety of subject such as human rights, environmental protection and citizenship. Furthermore, you may also compare various constitutions.
Age of Sustainable Development: Good lives for all?
An article talking about the feasibility of Jeffrey Sachs’ ideas on sustainable development.
Alter-Globalization EU
A video clip from the 2013 meeting of the World Social Forum to discuss alternative concepts of globalization
How Do You Put a Price Tag On Nature?
A podcast discussion of the economic value of natural resources and an evaluation of the dollar value of the global ecosystem.
Globalization undermined Nepal labor welfare policies
An article talking about how the forces of globalization have affected the labor force in Nepal.
Kenya: GMOs Will Ruin Continent’s Hope for Food Security
An article discussing the loss of food sovereignty in Kenya and the damage that corporate interests may do in the name of food security.
Naomi Klein on Global Neoliberalism
An interesting talk on neoliberalism and revolutions in South America.