No other option but to migrate, 2013.

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In Puerto Rico, migration has had its history due to financial hardship, low wages, no opportunities for better employment and high rates of unemployed individuals. It has been facing a large amount of debt that Puerto Ricans are responsible for. This has made it it very difficult for them due to the raise of taxes and low wage jobs. According to La Ceguera del mito migratorio ,576,000 Puerto Ricans have been hurting Puerto Rico’s economy through their migration to the United States in difficult times.

Salirse en busca de otras oportunidades significa abonar al aprieto fiscal que enfrenta el país.


Going out in search for other opportunities, signifies a pay to the tax predicament that the country is facing.

La Ceguera del mito migratorio 

Most Puerto Ricans regardless of loving their home country, seek for better employment opportunities in the United States. This article refers to most migrating Puerto Ricans as,

La fuga de cerebros.

The translation to that is “the escape of brains”. People who are knowledgeable, well educated and posses a good set of skills migrate to the United States to obtain what their country cannot offer. This source was created by El Nuevo Dia to raise awareness that Puerto Rico has had this issue for a while and it seems to continue on as a pattern. It lets historians know that this is a redundant situation.

It is quite ironic because most people believe that Puerto Ricans have the same rights as a normal American Citizen would have. A lot of the people in look of better educational opportunities, are also looking for professional experiences. Through this article, it can be proven that even though Puerto Rico is governed by the United States, they are way behind when it comes to giving opportunities to their residents. This article emphasizes that Puerto Ricans have the option to migrate to the United States to escape from harsh situations, and most of them feel forced because there really is no other option.

This article is intended for migrating Puerto Ricans, so they can be aware of what their migration is causing their home country. This source has a bias, it seems to not support migration between the United States and Puerto Rico because of the economic effects it has on everyone else. This source was created by El Nuevo Día to raise awareness of the after effects.

Claudia Urias

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