
Welcome to GEOG 482/582: GIScience II. In this course you will build upon the foundations of GIScience you learned in GEOG 481/581 and explore new ways of collecting, handling, analyzing and modeling geographic information. The course will expose you to various GIS tools such as overlays, joins, location analysis, surface analysis, multi-criteria evaluation, spatio-temporal modeling, and location-allocation modeling. We will also discuss relevant GIScience topics such as data and modeling uncertainty, engaging in GIScience as a profession, ethical issues involved in using GIS, and how GIScience is facilitating new forms of science. The course will consist of weekly lectures and labs where students will be interacting with each other to utilize GIS to solve geographic problems.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • integrate multiple spatial datasets for conducing analysis
  • conduct analysis on vector and raster data
  • use spatial data for solving location-based problems
  • conduct a GIS project
  • understand how GIScience is informing emerging paradigms in science
  • comprehend how GIS can be used in professional settings

Hope you enjoy!