Geoff Kennedy │ Curriculum Vitae
Lecturer │ Department of International Studies│ 175 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall │ University of Oregon │ Eugene, Oregon │ 97403-5206 │


Ph.D. Political Science (2006)
York University, Toronto, Canada
Political Theory, Comparative Politics

Master of Arts Degree:  Department of Political Science (1998)
York University, Toronto, Canada

Bachelor of Arts Degree:  Department of Political Science (1996)
University of Waterloo, Canada



Diggers, Levellers and Agrarian Capitalism:  Radical Political Thought in 17th Century England  (Lanham:  Lexington Books, 2008).

Refereed Journal Articles

‘Cicero, Roman Republicanism and the Contested Meaning of Libertas,’ Political Studies 63: 2 (October, 2014), 488-501.

‘Free-men, Free Labour and Republican Discourses of Liberty in Early Modern England,’ Contribution to the History of Concepts 8: 2 (2013), 25-44.

‘Capitalism and Contextualization in C. B. Macpherson’s The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism,’ Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought, 1: 1 (October 2012), 228-251.

‘The ‘Republican Dilemma’ and the Changing Social Context of Republicanism in the Early Modern Period,’ The European Journal of Political Theory, 8: 3 (July 2009), 313-338.

‘Republican Discourses and Imperial Projects: Empire and Liberty in American Political Discourse,’ Spectrum:  Journal of Global Studies 1: 1 (April 2009), 53-68.

‘Digger Radicalism and Agrarian Capitalism,’ Historical Materialism 14: 3 (Fall 2006), 112-143.

‘State, Civil Society and Social Context in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,’ Problematique 8 (Fall 2002), 56-77.

Book Chapters

‘Senatus Populusque Romanus against the Demos: Roman Republicanism versus Athenian Democracy,’ in Athenian Legacies: European Debates on Citizenship, Leo Olschki Publishers: Florence (forthcoming 2014).

‘Radicalism and Revisionism in the English Civil War,’ in M. Haynes and J. Wolfreys, eds., History and Revolution: Refuting Revisionism (London:  Verso Publishers, 2007), 25-50.


Review Essays

‘Citizens to Lords: A Review Essay.’ Historical Materialism 19: 1 (2011), 304-318.

‘Reflections on Political Theory,’ Historical Materialism 14: 3 (Fall 2006), 314-329.


Book Reviews

John Gurney, ‘Gerrard Winstanley,’ Das Argument (Forthcoming).

‘The Social Basis of Electoral Reform,’ review of Wrestling with Democracy, by Dennis Pilon, The Political Quarterly 85: 2 (April-June 2014).

Brian S. Roper, ‘The History of Democracy: A Marxist Interpretation,’ Das Argument 303 (October 2013), 635-636.

Edward G. Andrew, ‘Imperial Republics: Territorial Expansion from the English Civil War to the French Revolution,’ Canadian Journal of Political Science 45: 4 (2012), 977-978.

Charles Post, ‘The American Road to Capitalism: Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620-1877,’ Das Argument 299 (October 2012), 771-773.

Eric MacGilvray, ‘The Invention of Market Freedom,’ Political Quarterly 83: 1 (2012), 189-191.

Raymond Plant, ‘The Neoliberal State,’ New Political Science 33: 3 (2011), 391-394.

Quentin Skinner, ‘Hobbes and Republican Liberty,’ Canadian Journal of Political Science 44: 1 (2011), 242-245.

James Holstun, ‘Ehud’s Dagger: Class Struggle in the English Revolution,’ Problematique 7, (Fall 2001).

Ellen Meiksins Wood, ‘The Origins of Capitalism,’ Labour/le Travail 44 (Fall 1999).


Invited Talks, Lectures and Keynote Addresses

‘Republics, Empires and Historical Materialism,’ School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, November 2012.

‘Capitalism and Contextualization in CB Macpherson’s The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism,’ Distinguished Panel on CB Macpherson’s The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, Dominium, Property and Self-Ownership Conference, Queen Mary University of London, May 14-15, 2012.

‘Republicanism and Radicalism in the English Revolution,’ Keynote Address, 1649 and the Execution of King Charles, Institute for Historical Research, London, United Kingdom, 7 February 2009.

Conferences and Presentations

‘From Philosophy to the Dismal Science: Anti-Democratic Politics and the Rule of Experts in Contemporary Neo-Liberal Thought,’ paper presentation at the Democracy and Capitalism: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives workshop, Manchester Centre for Political Theory, Manchester University, September 3-4, 2013.

‘Senatus Populusque Romanus against the Demos: Roman Republicanism versus Athenian Democracy,’ European Society for the History of Political Thought, Athens, Greece, 19-20 January 2012.

‘Republican Discourses and Imperial Projects:  Empire and Liberty in American Political Discourse,’ paper presentation at Hegemony or Empire? Prospects for Contemporary World Order, the Seventh Annual METU Conference on International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 18-20 June 2008.

‘Patterns of Political Conflict and Pre-Capitalist Social Property Relations in Renaissance Italy: the case of Florence and Venice,’ paper presentation at the North American Historical Materialism conference, York University, Toronto, Canada, 24-26 April 2008.

‘The Social Relations of Republicanism and International Political Thought,’ paper presentation at the International Studies Association Conference, Chicago, USA, 1-3 March 2007.

‘Republicanism, pre-capitalism and the rise of capitalist imperialism,’ paper presentation at the Historical Materialism Conference, School of Oriental and Asian Studies, London UK, 8-10 December 2006.

‘English Republicanism and the Meaning of Empire, 1649-1660,’ conference paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, York University, Toronto, Canada, 1-3 June 2006.

‘Historicizing Liberty and Empire:  Machiavelli, Rome and Florentine Imperialism,’ conference paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2-4 June 2005.

‘Neo-Liberalism and Social Democracy in Saskatchewan,’ workshop presentation for the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2-4 June 2005.

‘Exploring the Republican Dilemma:  The Changing Social Basis of Republicanism in the Early Modern Era,’ conference paper presented at the conference on ‘Critical Perspectives on Empire and Imperialism:  Past and Present’, Essex University, Colchester England, UK, 24-25 September 2004.

‘State Formation and the History of Political Thought,’ conference paper presented at the inaugural conference of the Association of Political Theory, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 17-19 October 2003.

‘Agrarian Capitalism and the Political Economy of Improvement,’ conference paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 1 June 2003.

‘Digger Radicalism and Agrarian Capitalism,’ conference paper presented at the Making Social Movements Conference, Edgehill College, Ormskirk, UK, 26-28 June 2002.

‘Historical Materialism and the History of Political Thought,’ conference paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, 30 May 2002.

‘The Social History of International Relations’, conference paper presented at the York Centre for Strategic Studies Conference, York University, Toronto, February 2001.

Research Interests

Current Research Projects

Crisis, Austerity and Neo-Liberal Labor Market Reform in the Eurozone

Market Order Against the Masses: The Making of Neoliberal Democracy


Political Theory

Democratic Theory: Labor, class and debt in the history of democratic and anti-democratic thought


Early Modern English Political Thought: Levellers, Diggers and discourses of liberty and property


Comparative Politics

European Politics: European development, European Social Movements, Labor Politics


Academic Posts

Lecturer, School of Government and International Affairs, University of Durham, United Kingdom, 2011 to present.

Fixed Term Lecturer, School of Policy Studies, University of Ulster, United Kingdom, 2008-10.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science and International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus, Northern Cyprus, 2007-08.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, York University, Canada, 2005-07.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2004-05.

Course Directorship, Department of Political Science and Department of Social Science, University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada, Summer 2005.

Course Directorship, Department of Political Science, Brock University, Canada, Summer 2003.

Course Directorship, Department of Political Science, York University, Canada, Fall 2002.

Teaching Assistant in Labour and Globalization in North America, Department of Social Science, York University, Fall 2003.

Teaching Assistant in Canadian Labour Relations, Department of Social Science, York University, 2001-02.

Teaching Assistant for the Introduction to Political Theory, Department of Political Science, York University, 1998-2001.

Teaching Assistant for the Introduction to Politics, Department of Political Science, York University, 1997-98.

*Career Interruption: Parental Leave, Summer 2009.

Teaching Interests

Political Theory

History of Political Thought
Classical Political Theory
Early Modern & Modern Political Thought
Marxism & Critical Theory

Comparative Politics

The Making of the Modern State
Political Ideologies
International Relations Theory
North American Politics

Courses Taught

Durham University
SGIA 40515 Political Ideology
SGIA 41815 International Theory
SGIA 3411   Democracy against the State
SGIA 1041   Ideas and Ideologies

Ulster University
POL533 Visions of the Modern State
POL109 Foundations of Political Thought
POL319 Political Thought: Text and Context
PUP313 Research Methods

Middle East Technical University
PSIR 314 Theories of Democracy
PSIR 201 The History of Political Theory
PSIR 102 Introduction to International Relations
PSIR 101 Introduction to Politics and Sociology
PSIR 302 Comparative Government

York University
POLS 6035 3.0 Political Theory in an Age of Empire
POLS 4090 3.0 Classical Marxist Thought
POLS 3040 6.0 Modern Political Theory:  Kant to Foucault
POLS 2900 3.0 Classics in Western Political Thought
POLS 3150 3.0 Canadian Political Parties
POLS 2910 6.0 Canadian Democracy in North American Context

University of Toronto
POLA51H3 Critical Issues in Canadian Politics
POL214Y5  Introduction to Canadian Politics

University of Saskatchewan
POLS 250 6.0 Political Sociology
POLS 111 3.0 North American Politics
POLS 305 3.0 Provincial Politics
POLS 205 3.0 Politics in Canada

Professional Training and Certification

· Post-Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (2013)
· Module 1: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (September 2011)
· Module 2: Student Learning as a Foundation for Reflexive Practice (January 2012)
· Reviewing Small Group Teaching (Half Day Training Session, Durham University, November 2012)
· Preparing to Supervise (Half Day Training Session, Durham University, January 2013)
· Motivating Student Learning (Half Day Training Session, Durham University, January 2013)
· Training Certificate in Undergraduate Admissions (Half Day Workshop, Durham University, September 2011 & July 2012)
· Writing Successful Research Grant Applications (Half-Day Workshop, Durham University, October 2011)
· Certificate in Records Management, Information Security, Data Protection, Freedom of Information (July 2012)

Academic Service


Member of the Editorial Board, Historical Materialism, 2012-present.

Manuscript Review

Political Studies
Historical Research
American Political Science Review
Historical Materialism
Left History

University Service

Co-Director of the Centre for the History of Political Thought, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Director of Undergraduate Admissions, 2012-2013, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Undergraduate Admissions Committee, 2011-2012, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

School Representative to Durham Business School, 2012-2013, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

School Representative for Philosophy, 2011-2012, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

School Representative for Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 2011-2012, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Academic Tutor, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Year Two Director, 2011-2012, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, United Kingdom.

Studies Advisor, School of Criminology, Politics and Social Policy, 2008-2010, Ulster University, Northern Ireland.

Political Science and International Relations Hiring Committee, 2008, Middle East Technical University, North Cyprus Campus, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Departmental Representative for the International Studies Program, 2004-5, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Graduate Representative for Departmental Council, 2002-03, Political Science, York University, Canada.

Political Theory Field Committee Representative, 2000-2001, Political Science, York University, Canada.

Comparative Politics Field Committee Representative, 1999-2000, Political Science, York University, Canada.

Awards and Honours

2013                Institute of Advanced Study – Durham University (£750)
2003                Graduate Development Fund, York University ($500)
2003                Research Costs Fund, York University ($500)
2002-03          Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000)
2002                Fieldwork Costs Fund, York University ($500)


French – elementary reading, basic conversation

Professional Affiliations

European Society for the History of Political Thought
Association of Political Theory
Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom
History of Political Thought Specialist Group (PSA)
State Theory Specialist Group (PSA)

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