Cuba: Week 4

By Kira Salm

Hi, this week we are supposed to speak on endangered cultures in relation to our countries, mine being Cuba, but first what is an endangered culture.

Well, an endangered culture is a culture with its own traditions and sometimes even their own language or quirks but because there are so few people that are a part of the culture, it is at risk of extinction.  Sometimes with those cultures they are in isolated locations and left alone or they could be fought against and taken out, but in Cuba, they, surprisingly, do not appear to be worried about any endangered culture other than most of their own. 

In Cuba, there once was a large population of collective taxis and now they have gone down greatly, because of government measures but they once were greatly useful, and everyone used them. Another thing that is a part of Cuba’s history is there is a US embargo to discourage US travelers traveling to Cuba and if the embargo is lifted there is a worry that the authenticity of Cuba will go away with a possible increase in tourism which could result in Americans having a lot of power over Cuba and its economy. They might start having to put on a show for tourists which could ruin their honesty with their own culture. 


Biodiversity in Cuba has been good for a while but that does not mean all the plants and animals are native species. During Spanish colonialism, the Spanish brought in new plants, animals and diseases which ended up destroying native species, making them become extinct. With commercialism and industry growing in Cuba with European and American influence, the wildlife population is threatened and with the industrial development there, Cuba became heavily polluted.

Overall, the increase in tourism might not only destroy the authenticity of Cuba but also the ecosystem of Cuba. 


Cuba: Endangered Species? – The Moderate Voice

Cuba: The Accidental Eden | A Brief Environmental History | Nature | PBS

An Endangered Species in Cuba – Havana Times

PHOTOS: Cuba’s Endangered Authenticity (

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