Tagged: Improvement


Performance Progression

The Motivation As someone who jumped into triathlon 5 years ago I’ve often struggled myself at trying to define how well I performed, not only against my expectations but against myself in general. Not...


Slow Growth (A PhD story)

The PhD Enigma There are a lot of wonderful sources for humor regarding the life of a PhD student. PhD Comics and Lego Grad Student are two great examples. Like the inside jokes you share with your...


Racecation Part 2: SoCal and Disney

I’m way behind on posting things, but I can’t have a part 1 without a part 2. Plus there were some entertaining (for you not us) details I had to share. So I’ll finish...


Specular Reflection

Specular :of, relating to, or having the qualities of a mirror Lest We Forget I knew I had fallen off the blog horse. I lost sight of the goals I had for it. I got...


Beastman 72.3

My First Half-Ironman Race Nerves The week leading up to the race was fraught with the sinusoidal waves of confidence and doubt. Confidence in my training and fitness to get me across the finish...