Season Goals


I’m sure there is a learning curve for well written blog posts. Know that I am closer to the bottom than the top of that curve so if you think you like where things are headed it can only get better from here.

Rainy Day Reflections


In Eugene, OR we’re phasing into that time of the year where it feels like it is raining all the time. The kind of day where you would rather curl up on the couch, and enjoy anything else other than going for that run or ride.1 It’s times like these when it is helpful to return to the “why” of your training plan.

There are a lot of great resources for you to develop your own training plan.2 3 A common theme before you actually layout what each workout will be is to set your goals for the season. This is something I have lapsed doing in the past and felt that a non-specific goal of: “Just do better” was good enough for whichever race I would eventually pick after I was already months into a plan. Another, often overlooked, aspect of setting your goals is to tell someone about them. Not to brag about what you think you can accomplish but so they can help keep you accountable.4 I’ve already shared my goals with Lindsey5 but the thought of putting them out into the “interwebs” so anyone could see it is a little daunting. In a way that’s the point though. A true goal shouldn’t be something you know you can easily achieve but something that is a challenge for you and takes you out of your current comfort zone. That being said, these are my goals for the season based on the races I intend on going to:6


  1. Top 5 (sub 2:30:00) in the Collegiate race at Wildflower7
  2. Top 10 (sub 4:45:00) in the long course at Pacific Crest8
  3. Top 3 (sub 2:05:00 and PR) in the Collegiate race at Best in the West9

The second thing that is often overlooked on a day-by-day basis is what the “goal” of today is. I think my friend Will actually got this from the Jack Daniel’s book I referenced earlier but he would always say, “Every day has a purpose.” A recovery day is supposed to be just that, not a day for you to hammer the trails and build up a lot of lactic acid. A high intensity interval workout is supposed to be just that, not a day where you’re tired because you didn’t recover on that recovery day and need to cut the intervals short. Each day fits into the larger picture of what you hope to accomplish.10 I believe you still need to be flexible when it comes to your workout schedule, because things will come up, but that shouldn’t give you an excuse to make a day harder, or take a day off, that isn’t needed or helpful in the long run.

Before writing this today I was making up lots of excuses for why I shouldn’t get myself to the gym to spin for a little while. I opted not to post this until afterwards so I could show you it can be done and even on days like this you can get out there and do what you need to.11

Training ride

Keep on the lookout for the first “science” themed post this week!


  1. I’m omitting swim because you know you’re going to be 100% wet for that activity anyway so there’s not as much holding me back from that
  2. Most of my past running training was based, in some form, on the “Jack Daniels’ Formula.” Note: Not the Whiskey for those of you who haven’t heard Jack Daniels’ name before
  3. A large majority of my triathlon training insight has come from a collection of works by Joe Friel
  4. Have you ever told yourself you’re not going to eat sugary snacks for “X” amount of time but didn’t tell anyone else that was your plan? I know I have, and I’d be willing to bet shortly after you made your “pledge” someone brought cookies into work and it was all too easy for you to take one. After all, it was only your conscience that felt the slight pain of defeat and that cookie tasted so good. If someone else knows your plan they can help keep you on it
  5. My Fiancee. I’m sure I’ll add more about her in time but here’s a snippet in my: About Me
  6. Depending on my schedule and how things play out I may opt to compete in the 2017 Age Group National Championship in Nebraska but that’s a bit of a haul.
  7. Wildflower: “The Woodstock of Triathlon”
  8. Pacific Crest Sports Festival
  9. Best in the West Multipart Festival
  10. Like a reverse pie. All the pieces of the pie make up the whole, delicious, thing but you can’t eat it until you’ve made it. (Obviously I have pie on my mind)
  11. Now I just need to clean the bathroom because Lindsey has taken care of it herself too many times and I need to carry my weight around this place too.

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