ScI Tri: Research and Racing Blog


Performance Progression

The Motivation As someone who jumped into triathlon 5 years ago I’ve often struggled myself at trying to define how well I performed, not only against my expectations but against myself in general. Not...


Slow Growth (A PhD story)

The PhD Enigma There are a lot of wonderful sources for humor regarding the life of a PhD student. PhD Comics and Lego Grad Student are two great examples. Like the inside jokes you share with your...


Racecation Part 2: SoCal and Disney

I’m way behind on posting things, but I can’t have a part 1 without a part 2. Plus there were some entertaining (for you not us) details I had to share. So I’ll finish...


Racecation Part 1: Injury

The Tough Decision It was early November when I injured myself. It would be another couple weeks of recovery, Thanksgiving vacation, and some self-evaluation until I would decide not to run the marathon I...