
Girodet_PortraitOfDrTriosonGivingHisSonAGeographyLessonAt the University of Oregon, I teach several classes and am engaged in several of educational missions. I also serve in advisor and committee roles to graduate students in several departments. This page serves as the hub for resources related to individual courses, student projects, information for prospective students, and other educational missions.

Geog 410/510: Mountain Geography
Geog 425/525: Hydrology and Water Resources




Geog 141: The Natural Environment (Fall 2012, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
Geog 410/510: Mountain Geography (Winter 2014)
Geog 418/518: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (Fall 2011)
Geog 425/525: Hydrology and Water Resources (Winter 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
Geog 485/585: Remote Sensing I
Geog 486/586: Remote Sensing II (Spring 2013)
Geog 607: Seminar: Physical Geography of Oregon (Spring 2012, Fall 2015)
Geog 607: Seminar: Willamette Riverscape (Winter 2014)
Geog 611: Theory and Practice of Geography (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
Geog 612: Current Trends in Geography (Winter 2013, Winter 2014)


At the University of Oregon I have served as an advisor to these graduate students:

James Dietrich (Dissertation Advisor, completed 2014) Applications of structure-from-motion photogrammetry to fluvial geomorphology
Jane Heath Atha (Dissertation Advisor, completed 2013) Long-term fluvial wood dynamics in the Oregon Coast Range
Sarah Proctor (Thesis Advisor, in progress) Title TBA
Trevor Langston (Thesis Advisor, in progress) Title TBA
Helen Beesen (Thesis Advisor, completed 2014) Deep-seated landslides, topographic variability, and salmon habitat in the Oregon Coast Range, USA




Between 2001 and 2011, I taught at Texas State University. While there, I taught the following courses:

Geo 2410: Introduction to Physical Geography
Geo 2426: Fundamentals of GIS
Geo 3325: Geomorphology
Geo 3434: Water Resources Management
Geo 4325: Fluvial Processes
Geo 4412: Digital Remote Sensing
Geo 4430: Field Methods
Geo 5316: Applied Physical Geography
Geo 5395: Fluvial Processes
Geo 5334: Applied Water Resources Management
Geo 5430: Advanced Field Methods
Geo 5370: Modeling in Physical Geography
Geo 7300: Advanced Geographic Research Design
Geo 7313: Environmental Systems Analysis
Geo 7316: Remote Sensing and Environment
Geo 7318: GIS in Environmental Geography
Geo 7364: Geocomputation
Geo 7370: Advanced Seminar in Environmental Geography

I also served as an advisor to these graduate students:

Mindy Conyers (Dissertation Advisor, completed 2011)
Spatial prediction of channel instability in the Animas River Basin, Colorado
C. Andy Day (Dissertation Advisor, completed 2011)
Forecasting future local hydroclimatology: A framework for local water resource in
the Animas River basin at Durango, Colorado

Delbert Humberson (Thesis Advisor, 2008)
Applying the Cellular Automata Evolutionary Slope and River (CAESAR) model to a
highly erosive reach of the Colorado River, Austin, Texas

Jane Heath (Thesis Advisor, 2006)
Criticality and river instability response to mountain environment control
Jonathan Frodge (Thesis Advisor, 2006)
Modeling the occurrence of springs and seeps along the Blanco River, Texas using
logistic regression

Jason Pinchback (Thesis Advisor, 2005)
Spatial aspects of water quality management in Austin, Texas
Jay Parsons (Thesis Advisor, 2004)
A computational cellular automaton for modeling surface water flow within the
Rocky Mountain National Park

Mindy Conyers (Thesis Advisor, 2003)
A regional evaluation of Manning’s roughness estimates in streams of south-central Texas
Susan Dunham (Thesis Advisor, 2003)
Using multitemporal satellite imagery to monitor the response of vegetation to drought in the Great Lakes region
David Jordan (Thesis Advisor, 2002)
Two-dimensional mapping of river bathymetry and power using aerial photography and GIS on the Brazos River, Texas.watershed, Hays County, Texas

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