Prospective Undergraduate Students interested in completing a Senior Thesis:
Though I haven’t yet done so at the University of Oregon, I am open to advising undergraduate senior thesis and senior honors thesis students. If you are interested in potentially completing an undergraduate thesis under my direction, you should contact me in the term preceding the term in which you wish to begin thesis work. At that stage I will assess my ability to advise you, and what project you might consider for your work.
Prospective Graduate Students:
I advise students in the Department of Geography, and potentially within the ENVS program at the University of Oregon. Students interested in becoming graduate students in these programs will need to apply to the individual programs (Geography, ENVS); I do not myself “control” the admission process for new graduate students. Most graduate students are funded through Graduate Teaching Fellowships, which are competitive, as are new graduate admissions. In the Department of Geography, the admission process is quite competitive. While I use a fair amount of GIScience in my work, our program is not specifically set up to cater to “pure” remote sensing and GIS graduate students; if these are your interests, there are perhaps better suited programs. I tend to advise students whose work is in physical and environmental geography, have a strong theoretical and/or computational or analytical emphasis, and often utilized advanced measurement and monitoring techniques. Most students I work with are specialists in geomorphology, hydrology, watershed studies, and/or mountain geography. If you are interested in potentially working with me as a graduate student, I urge you to contact me in the fall term one full year before the fall you would be starting at the University of Oregon.