
577177_3584354378189_889872689_nI work with a number of organizations and entities as part of my professional service activities. In my department, I serve on multiple committees. I also serve on the University of Oregon’s Faculty Research Awards committee. I review for journals, and have several larger service-related activities:

Annals of the Association of American Geographers — I am the Environmental Science Editor for this journal

Geomorphology — I serve on this journal’s editorial board

Association of American Geographers — I have served as chair of both the Geomorphology Specialty Group and the Mountain Geography Specialty Group


American Geophysical Union — I have for many years been a co-organizer of sessions related to riverscapes and the remote sensing of rivers

National Aeronautics and Space Administration — I work with the hydrology mission team for the SWOT satellite program, and have also been a panel reviewer for research proposals

National Science Foundation — I regularly review research proposals for the Geography and Spatial Science and the Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics programs

Bretz Club — I co-organized the 2013 Bretz Club conference

Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium — I organized the 2007 Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium on the topic of “Complexity in Geomorphology”

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