[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/finegrainedstudio/files/2021/01/Final-Campus-Plan-1.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Great meeting with Juan-Carlos. Material is in the Google Drive under 01_GROUP SITE ANALYSIS and on the blog. // Please re-read the reading from last…
Vicente Guallart Link here to the Protocol with Cisco. Maybe Portland can be a partner city? Salvador Rueda
Towards a self-sufficient habitat, by Vicente Gaullart, Head of Urbanism, City of Barcelona http://elpais.com/diario/2009/03/28/opinion/1238194813_850215.html This economic crisis is a fantastic starting point to physically change…
https://theconversation.com/if-youre-not-getting-enough-nature-during-the-lockdown-try-bringing-it-indoors-with-these-simple-hacks-138176 May 18, 2020 8.15am EDT Kevin Nute, University of Hawaii Wind-animated sunlight shining through a glass roof pond at the ‘Mansion of Water,’ designed by…
SOJC_CP Reqs Allen draft_SOJC Campus Plan Policies Philip, Happy New Year to you as well! I am happy to drop in to your…