Dianna, Donia, Ava | Part 2 Review Slides
Introduce the problem being addressed
Start introducing icons & their meanings
Tie together qualities, indicators, and icons
How our chosen site ties into inclusion/circulation
Show relevant tree data at site & reinforce site ties to inclusion/circulation
Connecting ideas of light & temperature to site and massing
Show our understanding of relevant natural site factors
Show why we analyze building in summer and winter
How chosen system addresses light at extreme conditions
Reinforce how chosen system addresses light & temperature
How different program areas connect to/need different types of light
Bringing in different qualities of lighting for different spaces/seasons
Reviewer Comments
- Sawtooth roof not fitting within the historical context of the Women’s Memorial quad
- How does rain (Eugene weather) effect circulation?
- Create a hierarchy of spaces (what spaces need/want special care?)
- More emphasis on the center of the building
- Consider word choice, instead of accessibility/welcomeness maybe visibility/transparency
- Carry icons through to the end of the presentation
- Explore more ideas through massing models
- Do more explorations of the ground floor