SOJC Feasibility & Architecture Studio Project - email from Campus Planning

SOJC Feasibility & Architecture Studio Project – email from Campus Planning

SOJC_CP Reqs Allen

draft_SOJC Campus Plan Policies




Happy New Year to you as well!  I am happy to drop in to your studio to discuss the project and answer questions.  If Christine is available when we set up a time she is also a good resource to inspire students.  I copied Ivy Pitts who can help with scheduling when you can let me know the date/time of your studio.


For the SOJC project I have attached a few documents that Campus Planning had been preparing in anticipation of the feasibility study.  The planning requirements diagram gives some initial considerations for the project.  The outline of the Campus Plan policies highlights key planning considerations and can give students parameters to guide their thinking about how their solutions respond to the Campus Plan.  Designing projects on campus are, in my opinion, a great exercise (and unique challenge) in finding solutions that are innovative, meet project goals of the institution and sponsor, and respond to Campus Plan principles and patterns.


From a campus planning perspective I am very interested in how an expansion or addition to Allen Hall might work.  I assume Juan-Carlos has provided a description of the goals for the project from a space planning perspective (or that may be covered in the RFP).  If you need more information for that let me know.  Key guidelines/limitations/considerations that I would consider are:

  • Preserve and reinforce Designated Open-space
  • In the University St. Axis there are utilities for storm, sanitary, electrical, etc.  There is no tunnel which is usually the utility infrastructure that is most prohibitive to impact ($$$).  I am not sure what type of limitations the other utilities pose.
  • Four-story limit pattern
  • Consider how the project impacts the historical character of Friendly Hall
  • Consider how the University Street Axis and Campus Heart intersection can be enhanced
  • Consider spaces between buildings (positive outdoor space pattern)
  • Main building entrance pattern – given Allen Hall has established main entrances how does an addition relate?
  • Does an addition/expansion require significant renovation of the existing Allen Hall to make a successful building as a whole?
  • How does a 20,000 +/- sf addition create positive outdoor spaces and consider pedestrian circulation, service to Friendly, bike parking, etc.?



Here is a link to a few studies that may be useful to your students as background information:


  • Classroom Office Building Schematic Design report.  Note, this project was put on hold to further evaluate enrollment and space needs prior to the pandemic.  With the pandemic it is even more uncertain when/if this project might move forward.  This is a good example however of how a design team works within the construct of the Campus Plan and the design solution proposed at a high profile location on campus.
  • 13th Avenue Conceptual Design:  Illustrates design ideas for Campus Heart.
  • University Street Study:  This is an older study, mostly focused on the south end of the street, but may provide some background for the University Street Axis.
  • Academic Center Diagnosis:  Diagnosis studies are an important part of the Campus Plan.  I am actually working on updating the diagnosis but many of the considerations outlined in this document are still relevant.
  • Allen Hall Historic Building Survey


Let me know if there is anything else that could be helpful for your studio.




Aaron Olsen, ASLA

Landscape Planning Associate

University of Oregon

P:  (541) 346-5564