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Christians As Family Advocates 

Project Portfolio Description

The organization that the project was completed for was Christians As Family Advocates (CAFA). CAFA is an organization that looks to rehabilitate and prevent recidivism in individuals who have committed a domestic violence offense while also trying to build parenting skills and help to create a positive parent-child relationship for individuals who have committed these offenses through their Kids Connecting supervised visitation program. The general population served by CAFA is males and females from their mid-twenties to mid-fifties. There are usually more male clients than females. The project is to create an exit survey for the Kids Connecting portion of the services. This is due to the lack of a reliable way to measure the success of the overall program and different aspects of it outside of completions.

            As of now, the surveys have yet to be taken. Its intended impact is going to be providing CAFA with client data that will help inform decisions in regards to the betterment of the program. This will hopefully allow CAFA to provide a safe environment for children to bond and develop a relationship with their noncustodial parent. The project will be easy for the organization to use in the future because it was created on Cognito, a program that CAFA is familiar with due to using it for a large number of other resources. This familiarity will also allow them to adjust the project in the long term if necessary.
