Sophie Cohen




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Project Portfolio Description

Parenting Now is a non-profit organization located in Eugene, Oregon that provides parenting education as well as support to families with young children. This organization supplies families with a variety of programs such as parenting groups, Baby Connection (infants feeding support), and Healthy Families home visits. Healthy Families provides free family support and home visits beginning prenatally until the baby is 3 years old. Parents that are part of Healthy Families have risk factors because they have adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) such as a history of domestic violence, depression, divorce, or they come from a low-income household. Home visits provide these families the opportunity to ask questions and learn how to create a healthy and long-lasting relationship with their baby. The parents that utilize Healthy Families will receive self-care packages. These packages will include items that will allow members of the entire family to focus on their mental health during these stressful times.
