Michelle Villa

My Site




Project Portfolio Description

Hosea Youth Services is a drop-in resource center for unsheltered youth living in Lane County, Oregon. They serve 16 to 24-year-olds who are at risk or currently experiencing homelessness. Hosea’s mission is to provide resources and opportunities to the clients in order for them to be able to live healthy, happy and productive lives. One of the ways in which the staff at Hosea helps the clients become productive is by helping them with job searching. The five computer stations at Hosea make this possible, however, there isn’t really any kind of tool to help them get started. Looking for a job can be really difficult and confusing, especially if it’s your first job. This project was designed to be a solution to that problem. It contains all of the basic information the clients will need to begin their job-searching process.

Oftentimes the clients will first need to get important documents such as their ID and birth certificate before they can start looking for a job. These are the types of resources on the website, as well as information on resume tips, bus passes and routes, and the process of obtaining their GED if they choose. This website will help the clients get started and make the entire job-searching process a little bit easier for them, and will hopefully lead them to becoming financially stable and eventually find housing.
