Project Portfolio Description
Homelessness around the country continues to be an issue that is often in the news. Reports of new and larger homeless camps continue to dominate the news. In Lane County, Oregon, the cost of homelessness continues to plague the local communities, with local leaders and nonprofits challenged on how to address this issue. COVID-19 has even extubated the challenges at hand when it comes to helping even more individuals and families. Now more than ever nonprofits are being called to help serve those who need help the most.
Catholic Community Services of Lane County has been helping the most vulnerable populations since the 1950’s. Since then, they have added a host of different resources to help aid in their mission. Aided by Lane County and public donations, Catholic Community Services strives to provide simple yet basic needs of those who need it. These needs seem simple to most citizens and yet many in our own communities do not fully understand the severity of the situation.