Leah Steindorf




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Oregon Department of Human Services

Project Portfolio Description

Grief and Loss Booklet

The non-profit organization Ophelia’s P lace, located in Eugene Oregon serves self-identified girls ages 10-18 and is committed to help them make healthy life choices through empowerment. They offer three types of main services: school groups and presentations, after school events and activities, and therapy. T his project seeks to fill the organization’s gap in services around grief and loss. It’s goal is to make material and information on differing types of grief and loss and healthy forms of coping readily available. Additionally its aim is for the information to be easily digestible and so the girls can work through the booklet at their own pace. As an interacting, informative workbook, this project presents information on differing types of grief and loss, ways in which the girls can engage in self-care, journaling prompts and resources for getting help. This project offers simple tools, information and support to help adolescents grieve. The benefit of this project is to offer information and support to girls that are struggling with the loss of something or someone. Most importantly, this project focuses on accessibility so that girls of all ages, races and class have the ability to grieve at their own pace and in a way that is informative and interactive. In the future this project can be used for a number of things: (1) for the girls themselves, (2) for the girls with the support of their parents/guardian or therapists at Ophelia’s Place, (3) for school counselors to provide additional support, (4) for creating grief and (5) loss presentations for school groups and interns and staff during  training.
