The Science Side

The human body is one of the most complex things to explain.  I would need to provide pages upon pages about how everything within has a purpose to keep the person functioning.  I do not even know myself how everything works.  But that is what makes the science of human anatomy so intriguing to me.

It is incredible on how so many little details must be acknowledged.  Even the slightest nerve could be a vital part of either one’s arm’s movement or what causes the mouth to smile.  The only way to know all of this is to really have a one-on-one with the human body itself.

Through medical processes of surgery or the cadavre labs that is available to almost anyone, the understanding of each human part has advanced immensely.  Discoveries of what can be done to save a human’s life are being explored and experimented.  It is a whole new world, yet, science is making it a bit more familiar each day.