The hikes, along with the Lagazuoi and Tofana di Rozes, were arguably one of my favorite hikes of all time. Journeying through the tunnels, experiencing Martini’s cliff, and venturing throughout the valley were significant highlights for me throughout the nine-mile hike. I was blown away when we were told that members of the Italian army would work to dig roughly 5-6 meters of tunnel per day. Additionally, I was shocked when you told us that for every man fighting outside the tunnels, there were five more delivering supplies, digging the tunnels, and providing other components to fuel the Italian machine. It was fascinating to see what humankind could accomplish given the difficulty of the terrain, constantly battling the elements and fighting gruesome battles against men no different from themselves. I feel that it is imperative to go back and remember and honor the sacrifices these men made to ensure peace within our lifetime, offering the ultimate sacrifice for a war in which they have no purpose in fighting other than to ensure the safety, security, and prosperity of their native peoples.