Huge bullets! Seeing these was really intense I couldn’t believe it.

Spikes that were in the holes. Imagine falling into that! So scary!

The trip to Asiago was a very interesting experience. Beginning at the museum was very cool. I enjoyed learning about the intricacies of the war as well as the some of the specifics that we may not think of. Specifically, I thought some of the battle techniques were very jarring. We have talked about how medieval many of the techniques were, but I didn’t truly realize how crazy they were. Specifically, the spike contraption in the holes for people to fall on was the most jarring to me. I couldn’t believe that those existed during the war. They gave me the Heebie Jeebies! Also FLAME THROWERS? Seeing the flamethrower and flamethrower outfit was insane to me. It put things into perspective for me about how dangerous and scary this war truly was. Another thing I really enjoyed was seeing the shrapnel in the wood from trees that were cut down. It portrayed the remnants of war in our environment and showed us how we can affect the world around us.


A battle scene from WW1. There are rows of barbed wire going through the center with a web of trenches behind it.

Shrapnel in wood from a tree. very interesting to see the remnants of war still present.

Cemetery with the painted trees. very impactful to see the lives represented in this way.

What struck me the most though is the cemeteries that we went to after lunch. They were so very impactful because of how they depicted the lives of the soldiers. I appreciated the trees that were planted in one of the cemeteries. cutting down the trees at 20 years was very impactful seeing that many of the soldiers were only 20 years old when they served. Additionally, painting the trees white to signify their sacrifice for their country was very beautiful as well. Another thing that struck me was the bayonet as the cross in the cemetery. I thought it was an interesting take on fascism and it signified the beliefs of the government at the time very jarringly.