The Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra in Rovereto is situated atop a hill in an old castle. Originally built in the fourteenth century, the castle of Rovereto became home to the war collections in 1921. It has since accumulated a wealth of weapons and artifacts, from medieval times to World War II. 

The outer facade of the building was fascinating. Upon first seeing the magnificent castle, I knew we would be in for a great museum experience. The backdrop of the tunnels and towers made the history of the museum that much deeper and more interesting. 

Entering the museum was like taking a time machine back to the deep history of Rovereto and Italy itself. 

Armor for a knight and a sword, circa 1530. 

More modern suits from around World War II. The center snow-suit was quite frightening in person. I would not like to meet someone wearing that in battle. 

Weapons from World War I show the clash between old methods of war and modern ones. Here, we see brass knuckles, clubs, and knives that were still used during WWI. 

At the same time clubs and swords were used to fight the war, and so were planes. One was hanging right in the middle of the exhibition room.


A soldier’s gas protection during the war. It is amazing how fast war technology advanced over the span of the Great War.