Picture Gallery Students at the University of Oregon hole themselves up in the school’s Science Library to study for midterms. With the current construction happening on campus, study sessions become a tight squeeze amongst the limited-availability rooms. One student in particular, Hannah Hoban, works diligently to complete a study guide for her BI 320 class on Molecular Genetics. She frequently asks questions to the group, so they can better understand the concepts together. “Sometimes, I just don’t get it,” she says. “Like I can stare at the page for hours and still not memorize a single thing. It’s impossible. Midterms are brain-friers for sure. I’ll probably be stuck here for another three hours.” Finally returning home just past 11, Hannah realizes she hasn’t eaten since 1pm. “I’m starving! I haven’t been grocery shopping in a week, though. Oh, I know!” She exclaims while traveling to the pantry. She returns with a box of cereal and settles down. With a quick break for food done, Hannah finds she still has some work to do. “They force me out of the library, but they can’t stop me in my own home,” she says. She continues to work downstairs in the kitchen until the lighting hurts her eyes. “I just want to look over one more thing before I fall asleep,” she says. She continues to study until her eyes begin to droop. She ends up dozing, still in her clothes and shoes from the hard day’s work. With a look at her shelf, it’s no wonder Hannah is so tired. One begins to wonder…is a university student’s class load TOO much? With information about several subjects swimming through their brains at once. How is one supposed to ace midterms and still have fun?