
The Environmental Studies Program Food Drive Silent Auction will open for bids on February 8th.

Donations for the auction are being accepted through February 7.
The auction will end at 5:00pm Tuesday, February 19.
All money must be turned in by 5:00pm Thursday, February 28.
We encourage payment through our team on the FOOD for Lane County’s online crowdfunding site.

Our auction helps raise funds for the Annual Governor’s Food Drive. All money raised through the auction will go directly to FOOD for Lane County.

FOOD for Lane County gathered over 8 million pounds of food last year.
Money and food donated through the various food drives help support FOOD for Lane County’s efforts throughout the year:

Emergency food boxes
Emergency meal sites
The Dining Room
Programs for children – Summer Food Program, Cereal for Youth, Children’s Weekend Snack Pack
Programs for seniors – Senior Grocery, Meals on Wheels
Rural Delivery – FOOD for Lane County makes regular deliveries of fresh produce to rural residents