Breaching the Natural?

CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, is a recently developed genetic alteration technique. In principal, CRISPR allows the insertion or deletion of any genes with relatively great accuracy. This technology opens the genetic door of altering the genetic code of babies to eliminate genetic disease. This article I found, written by Austen Yeager, looks […]

Kesha: Cannibal

Being  honest, I love Kesha. Call it my guilty pleasure. I know the music is bad. Kesha’s song “Cannibal” (part of the larger album also called “Cannibal”), is a pop song depicting Kesha as an cannibalistic, sexualized animal who eats men. “I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch. Then when I’m thirsty, I drink their blood. Carnivore, […]

Life After People

The fact that this show is popular enough to have spawned a full-length special and 20 hour-long episodes, when essentially the same thing happens in each one, is pretty fascinating. This show depicts, in hi-def CGI fashion, a speculative version of what might happen if our species were totally annihilated and nature were to more […]

PBR Mural

I honestly don’t know how to feel about this, but I found it extremely intriguing. This is depicting nature as squirrels recreating on the river. The irony comes with the utilization of the trash PBR can as the canoe. Did the artist paint this mural as a political statement? Is nature natural with a human […]

REI Credit Card

I found this image applicable to our conversation considering Davis’ arguments about consumerized (word?) nature. REI as a company is selling its products as access to the ‘pristine’ and ‘untouched’ virgin land. This ad paints a picture on how consumers, primarily white middle class consumers, should view and enjoy nature. The REI credit card, placed […]

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