Archive Project Example: Conservation International’s “Nature’s Speaking” Conservation International produced a series of short films, each with a well-known actor giving “voice” to a particular aspect of non-human Nature. When we defined tropes the other day, I listed “personification” as an example of a trope, and these videos use personification to make something utterly-non-human a bit more human-sounding. There are, no […]

Ideology (part I)

Today we made it half way through Kavenaugh’s “Ideology.” I wanted to take this opportunity to note some of the key points of our discussion: Ideology in popular use is typically a pejorative term we throw at people who adhere to a rigid political platform. Having “ideology” means one lacks, or discounts, “common sense” that […]


Welcome to the landing page for ENVS 410: Nature in Popular Culture. The course will be offered this summer, and taught by Shane Hall. This website offers an overview of the course, information about the instructor, and the tentative syllabus. Just click on the “+” sign to your right, the tabs at the top of […]

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