Update on DAPL and Standing Rock

It appears that work on the pipeline on federal lands has been forestalled by the Obama administration and three federal agencies. Myself I am a bit confused, as a federal judge denied an injunction blocking the pipeline’s progress, like, minutes before the executive branch said, “yea, but no really, block the pipeline.” But relevant here […]

Nature Pod.

On Wednesday we’ll play a game called “The Thing From the Future” produced by Situation Lab, a group of game designers and tactical media practitioners. Here’s another of their projects: Nature Pod. Check it out, and keep in mind that tactical media are often artistic interventions meant to draw our attention to deeper ideological structures– […]

Are we being pushed out of the humanities?

Here’s a pretty long-form article about humanities in higher education. Since our class is squarely in what I’d call “the environmental humanities,” I feel it’s worth the read for those of you who find close cultural study, arts, and literature relevant— or for those who don’t.   https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/09/02/meet-the-parents-who-wont-let-their-children-study-literature/?utm_term=.cc99477a22b7

Being eco-friendly a gendered behavior? Apparently we think so!

Ok folks, so I’m being the worst and posting two links without thoroughly reading and checking the sources, but I just ran across a smattering of news stories pushing “toxic masculinity” to a whole new level. The links below show research that students consider eco-friendly actions (mostly individualized actions like recycling) are gendered feminine while destructive, consumptive […]

Speaking of Whiteness…

We’ve started talking about the social construction of race, in particular “whiteness” as a dominant cultural frame that is often difficult to “see” because it is often represented as normal and nonracial. A new podcast from National Public Radio’s “Code Switch: Race and Identity Remixed” program, hosted by journalists Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Maraji, […]

Standing Rock

As we discussed in class, there’s currently a large, peaceful encampment of the Great Sioux Nation is praying for a federal court decision around the North Dakota Access Pipeline. This pipeline is very similar to the much more famous Keystone XL Pipeline, and it is only since thousands of Native American Indians have begun camping near […]

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