
What makes this tobacco ad greenwashed? Look for popular buzz words such as “Natural,”Organic,” “additive-free” This tobacco product, weather natural or not is not any healthier than originally, the company is just trying to cover up their unhealthy and possibly destructive business practice. Greenwashing: “Everyone’s heard the expression “whitewashing” — it’s defined as “a coordinated attempt to […]

AdBusters Magazine

   Here are three advertisements from the excorporative marketing group, AdBusters Magazine. In class we discussed the top two and the bottom advertisement I found today and I think it is pretty spot on with regards to how heavy brand advertisements are ingrained into our society and the disconnect people have with “un-branded” items even […]

Proud To Be

  This video, Proud to be, is funded by the Yocha Dehe Winton Nation tribe and played during the NBA finals. “Change the Mascot is a national campaign to end the use of the racial slur “r*dskins” as the mascot and name of the NFL team in Washington, D.C. Launched by the Oneida Indian Nation, […]

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