
Welcome to the landing page for ENVS 410: Nature in Popular Culture. The course will be offered this summer, and taught by Shane Hall. This website offers an overview of the course, information about the instructor, and the tentative syllabus. Just click on the “+” sign to your right, the tabs at the top of the page, or the links below:

Course Overview                                             Instructor Info                                                      Tentative Syllabus

Please email shaneh@uoregon.edu with any questions, concerns, or a particular song, ad, or film think this class HAS to include.


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New media offers supple platforms for scholars and activists to push back against environmental injustices
Avatar: the second highest grossing movie of all time is rife with depictions of nature and culture


coal ad
This advertisement for coal links US patriotism to the single greatest contributor to climate change.


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