Darwin’s Mankind

I find creation myths or stories relating to the creation of mankind to be interesting. The origin of man and even more so, man’s purpose on earth, is the single most desired question to be answered. Due to my interest in creation, as well as having a background in evolution, I tend to read books such as Darwin’s Origin of Species, and other biologically based stories with a certain attention to creation themes.


Darwin’s encounters on the HMS Beagle helped lay the foundation for biology, particularly ideas about evolution and the diversification of species. Through reading Darwin’s work, I find two themes that contradict the stories of Genesis as well as most religions in general. Darwin’s ideas on evolution via natural selection gives a strong case for the plethora of species present in our world today. Darwin’s logic is that humans are the descent of a long evolutionary line that is continuous and infinite. Keeping along with this idea, humans are just another evolved animal, just as a whale is thought to be an evolved form of a wolf. This claims that humans are equal to animals, as they share similar ancestors and lineage. Genesis claims that humans were made in the image and likeness of God and as a result, gained dominion over the animals. These two views on mankind, both Genesis and Darwin, seem to contradict each other in there description of the hierarchy of man.

Similarly, a second theme that seems the be contradicting is the idea about man’s purpose or destiny. While it may not be apparent in Genesis, the Bible, as well as most religions in general, give the notion that man is destined for life beyond this world. Heaven is described as an eternal paradise for the souls of those men and women who live righteous lives. The idea that human beings are worthy of an eternal life beyond this world would say that the human race is the above all life on earth. Furthermore, humans being at the apex of life on earth means that there is no possibility for further evolution of man. Darwin’s theory of evolution claims that evolution through natural selection is a perpetual force that does not stop. Under this view, humans would simply be another species in an ever advancing lineage of animals. Humans would not be the apex of life forms, as some evolved form of humans would exist far in the future. Darwin’s views on mankind’s existence are distinct and seem to contradict some important aspects of religion.


One thought on “Darwin’s Mankind

  1. I think your post points out many of the real differences between religion and the theory of evolution. I was watching this documentary recently where there is a new religious movement that is gaining some speed where they are trying to combine science and evolution with the Christian religion. While from a purely scientific standpoint it does seem many of the claims that are needed to draw these two concepts into a cohesive whole are there yet(scientists refute many of the claims these religious scientists are using as many still do not have enough scientific backing) I personally have always found theories that blend these fascinating and I am surprised it has not been attempted more. While the two do seem to clash on a base level, I do see that as science progresses there may be more discoveries that could transcend hard cold facts into something that is powerful enough to become a new sort of religion.

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