Don Lockwood: A Dynamic Character

“Singin’ In the Rain” (1952) directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen features Gene Kelly himself as the film’s main character, Don Lockwood. Don is an actor who has a deep passion for music and dance. He begins to question his ability to act after he and Lina release their first ever “talkie” film. It sucked. Thanks to the help of his good friend, Cosmo, and his love interest, Kathy, Don rediscovers his desire to incorporate dance and song into his career. This realization facilitates a change in Don’s character throughout the film, proving him to be a dynamic character.

As seen in the first scene of the movie, Don fabricates the truth of how he achieved his success as an actor. He made it sound like he came from a more prestige upbringing than he did in reality. This scene also shows Don pretending to enjoy Lina’s company, and allowing the crowd to assume they are a couple of some sort. Don does these things, in part, because he is so worried about his image as an actor.

Don’s persona begins to change as soon as he first encounters Kathy Selden, an aspiring performer. He is immediately intrigued by Kathy’s lack of interest in his profession — this is far different than how most women react at the sight of Don throughout the film. Kathy told Don plainly what she thought about acting, and this caused Don to question his talent.

From this point forward, Don’s role as an actor transforms. After discovering that the “talkie” film he and Lina acted in together was terrible, Cosmo and Kathy encouraged Don to incorporate music and dance into the movie — his true talents. They schemed up a plan of how this would transpire and decided to ask the director. His approval marked the beginning of a new career for Don, Kathy, and Cosmo.

The change in Don’s profession changed not only his line of work, but also the way he views himself as an entertainer. Don knew in the beginning of the film that people saw him as an actor; but he felt deep down that music and dance were his true callings. If it weren’t for Kathy’s honest opinion, Don may have never reconsidered his work.

It is clear to see in the beginning of the film that Don is very concerned with his image and what the fans think about him. However, towards the end of the film he doesn’t care at all. He knows that his entire career will change if the truth about Lina will be announced to the public, but he doesn’t care. He knows that fans may not love him as much if they find out about Kathy, but he allows their relationship to be seen openly. He also knew that he was taking a risk by incorporating music and dance into his films and creating musicals — but he did it anyway. All of these changes to Don’s character throughout the film indicate that Don is a dynamic character.


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