Singing in the Rain: Humor at it’s Finest

Singing in the Rain is one of my favorite early films as it constantly is making fun of the Hollywood system and the adaptation that it was taking for the studio to make talking films. Singing in the Rain is one of those movies that began to push the boundaries of how films portray the studio system that is in place in Hollywood. The intro scene of the movie is very interesting in the fact that Don, Cosmo, and Lina are all appearing at the premiere of their new film and a reporter is interested in how Don got to where he is today. Don begins to tell the reporter about how Cosmo and him have always been successful and on major tours when they were coming up in the industry but in all reality, Cosmo and Don have always had to work really hard for where they are today. Performing in pool halls, train stations, and a multitude of other venues got them to where they are today. This showcases right from the beginning that this film is going to be filled with humor and stabs out their own personal careers and the industry. Don and Cosmo have been attached at the hip for since they were kids coming up in the industry but Cosmo has always been second to Don’s success. I feel like this is a common occurrence inside Hollywood because there are many actors or actresses that come up with a partner and one always seems to see more success than the other. There are a few pairs of people that both become famous when working on the same film or TV show but it is a very rare feat to achieve. When Don is telling about the come up story of how he got to where he is today, Cosmo is forced behind the reporter and the attention of the reporter and Lina is focused solely on Don. Lina is a leach that always wants to be the center of attention no matter what. The line that really resonated with me about Lina was that from Cosmo when he said, “Lina. She can’t act, she can’t sing, she can’t dance. A triple threat.” The movie is constantly making fun of other actors or actresses in the film, specifically Lina, and this adds to the vast amount of humor present inside of the film. Some of the humor is subtle and then there are those that are completely intended just to make you chuckle. The best part of the movie is the fact that it makes fun of itself over and over again. Most of the time you do not see movies that sit and make fun of themselves and the Hollywood system. I think there needs to be more movies that make bring some humor into the process of producing a Hollywood film. What are some other movies that you have seen that make fun of the Hollywood system and the process of how movies are made?

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