Journal #18
Tuesday in class I got to present to the class about my project and get to show everyone the progress I have achieved on my project. It was very helpful because I got to hear feed back from my peers on their likes and dislikes which helps me to understand what I need to fix before I present my project on Thursday. I also noticed areas of my project that I need to work on. Like making the video of the volcano in Costa Rica a more prominent piece of my project. This video has been one of the most interesting things I have found during my research and I have decided that I am using it as my creative display. I printed photos of the flowers shooting out of the air and I am going to paste them to poster board which i hope the bright colors will intrigue the people visiting to come over to my table and want to learn more about my project. Something that is threatening the completion of my project is I am still working on making the obvious connections and making everything come together and sound correct and informational, yet not just facts when put online to my website. One of my biggest strengths of my project is the fact that it is such a random topic which makes people interested on seeing the connections I am going to make with volcanoes and flowers. I am interested, as probably you two are, to see the final product of my project.