Journal #13

“The Beauty of Physics: Patterns, Principles and Perspectives” by A.R.P. Rau from Louisiana State University talks about the maps of human history. Insects, Humans and animals all use different types of maps in order to communicate and travel. Some will use more primitive forms of maps like using landmarks and orientations in comparison to the sun and moon. Others use linear representations.  In this article they want to talk more about the physics behind maps and all the dimensions drawn onto old and new maps. The way a map is made inevitably distorts  the dimensions and views of the earth because you are representing a three dimensional figure on a flat piece of two dimensional paper. Then the article begins to talk about Math in maps and starts on the topic of fractals. Showing an example of Koch snowflake. Then it brings it back to physics and how it can also be viewed by mapping one state of the system to another.  It then depicts many different formulas that for someone with a very small understanding of physics greatly confuses me.