Logo-istics: Brand Awareness Assignment

A girl loves her diamonds…
Although this logo is simple, clean, and fresh, I think it truly reflects its’ products. I believe that a company that has created their very own color “tiffany blue” as their identity has accomplished their branding mission. The design is simple and classy, just like the objects they sell. The serif roman font is classic- it’s timeless and uncluttered. The assumption that people know exactly who the company is just by the color and simple type is bold, but honest. The company uses this color in it’s advertisements, packaging, and stores. The name itself is used on much of the jewelry as a design, so that the design becomes the product. I personally think that Tiffany and Co.’s logo is the most identifiable in high-end jewelry.
My Italian pride…
The Italian supercar logo has an iconic quality to it. The mustang represents the horse power the car promises to deliver. While rearing back on its legs, the mustang shows it’s readiness to perform and be aggressive, while still maintaing it’s balance and grace. These attributes are just how a ferrari drives. The small representation of the Italian flag allows the audience to remember the national pride of the creator, and adds to the emotional draw of the brand. The “F” in the ferrari script demonstrates the speed of the car as it extends the length of the entire word. It naturally creates a forward motion of the word, a “zoom” effect, if you will. The yellow color in the shield allows the mustang to be detailed with light, while the color of the ferrari, in classic red, identifies with the traditional red sports car. The company uses this logo on literally everything they produce; the cars themselves, shoe and apparel makers, bicycles and print.
Always a dancer first…
This dance company logo perfectly represents what it does on stage: Stack bodies and meanings. They are known for their physical interaction of bodies and performers and contortions of the human anatomy. The simple sans serif font strips away the frills of the letters in the same way that this contemporary company deals with the simple idea of bodies, positions and contortions. The way the letters are arranged creates a collaboration of the letters all coming together to form the word, just as separate performers have to collaborate to create the company’s dances and positions. I especially appreciate the simple black and white color of this logo. It gives the facts without to much elaboration, just like the human form. I find that too often dance companies try to put a dancer in the logo and therefore end up looking all the same. I appreciate that Pilobolus has paired things down to form and outline, and the letters themselves become the dancers.  The simple square block and color makes this logo easy for print and internet.

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