Category Archives: Technology Skills

Link: U Wisconsin Campuses Kick Off Online Master’s in Data Science

Dian Schaffhauser, “U Wisconsin Campuses Kick Off Online Master’s in Data Science.” Campus Technology, July 2015.

University of Wisconsin-Extension is partnering with six small-to-medium size campuses in the Wisconsin system to offer a fully online master’s degree in data science.

Courses will cover statistics, programming, data warehouses, high performance computing, data mining, data visualization and communicating about data, prescriptive analytics and the ethics of data science, among other topics.

The degree is not dependent on state funding or budget allocation–it will be run off of student tuition dollars.

Link: Research: 6 in 10 Millennials Have ‘Low’ Technology Skills

Schaffhauser, Dian. “Research: 6 in 10 Millennials Have ‘Low’ Technology Skills.” Campus Technology, June 11, 2015.

Digital natives aren’t as tech-savvy as they may think they are — at least, not according to their employers. American millennials (those between the ages of 16 and 34) may be the first generation that grew up with computers and Internet access, but all that time spent glued to a small screen hasn’t translated to technology competence.

A gap is emerging between what skills employers are looking for–including basic skills such as finding and analyzing information, communicating with others, and performing practical tasks (such as sorting, searching for and e-mailing data form a spreadsheet)–and what skills so-called “digital natives” have when they enter the workplace. There are concerns that this could limit the earning power of the millennial generation. The full report is also available.