2/26/2024 Update

By this time our group said that we had to have a general layout of what we would be doing for each of our lesson plans.

Lesson Plan 1:

Julissa and Maysha have all of the implementation and learning stuff done. They still want to take time to write up their worksheets and feel it would be beneficial to put time into finding some forms of differentiated instruction. They have also found a video resource that they believe will help clarify the general idea for the students.

Lesson Plan 2:

Livia and Mia have most of the tech stuff figured out at this moment. They have set up basic instructions and a learning goal for the students. They have also found a video to show students who may need it. Now they just have to lay out the lesson itself and figure out what the end project is going to look like.

Lesson Plan 3/Website:

Toby has been working on getting the general setup of the lesson done. He has video ideas, discussion ideas, and an overall objective for the students to reach. The main thing he has to work on is making a rubric that will conclude and wrap up everything that the students have been learning. He has also built a basic frame for the website to follow that lays out a welcome page, a “meet the team” page, and a page that has these updated posts.

What is next?

Up next for our team is finalizing our lessons. By Wednesday, February 28, we will have official lesson plans written out and ready to be used during the final weeks to come.

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