Japan’s aging population

関連する画像の詳細をご覧ください。日本突然公布一个“噩耗” 媒体:危机悄然而来|年轻人|欲望|出生率_新浪新闻低欲望群体!日本的″低欲望社会″到底有多可怕?__财经头条 低欲望群体!日本的″低欲望社会″到底有多可怕?__财经头条

The biggest issue in Japan is aging population. Since the end of the Second World War, Japan’s average life expectancy has continued to increase, and Japan finally became one of the leading nations in terms of long-life expectancy. The average in life expectancy in 2018 was 81.25 years for men and 87.32 years for women. It is expected that life expectancy will reach 84.95 years for men and 91.35 years for women by 2065. The percentage of people aged 65 and older has also been increasing. It was 28.4% in 2019 and is expected to reach 33.3% in 2036 and 38.4% in 2065. Some companies are taking advantage of this situation and start new businesses for elderly people.

Elderly people learn how to use a smartphone during a class held in Yurihonjo, Akita Prefecture, in August. | YURIHONJO MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT / VIA KYODO

According to the Japan times article “More of Japan’s elderly using internet to gather health information,” on May 24, 2023, over 50% of 65 or older people in Japan use the internet mainly for getting health information such as medical institutions and health disorders. Following this fact, the health disorders were cited by 39.0%, up from 13.6%, and medical institutions by 30.1%, up from 8.2%. While more and more use of the internet is in demand, most of the elderly people struggle with its use at first. To solve this problem, there are some classes and events to teach them how to use phones by mobile phone companies. Businesses which are needed by elderly people will grow in the future. 


Measures to Address Japan’s Aging Society | February 2021 | Highlighting Japan (gov-online.go.jp)

More of Japan’s elderly using internet to gather health information – The Japan Times

Writer: Sakura

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