Taiwan’s Ambitious Journey Towards Bilingualism Begins with Child Education

Recognizing the necessity of providing English proficiency to its population, Taiwan has launched an ambitious plan to begin a new policy called the 2030 Bilingual Policy, starting with child education.

Taiwan’s strive for bilingualism is in the belief that a strong command of the English language is a way to connect and receive opportunities to the world. To achieve this, the government has implemented programs for college and high school students then slowly developed for younger ages. Moreover, many private schools have promoted different education systems such as AP, IBDP, or A-level.

Furthermore, the government is hoping to build and immerse students in an English-rich environment to encourage students to learn English naturally, with specialized English teachers from English-speaking countries.

Yet, the challenges and pressure from the teacher, politics, and parents are unavoidable. The ambitious 12-year timeframe set for achieving the Bilingual Nation goal is an ambitious undertaking, raising concerns about feasibility. Finding teachers with stringent qualifications and a dearth of incentives hindering the recruitment and retention of proficient bilingual educators complex challenge.

The government believes this policy in the understanding that English fluency serves as a gateway to a myriad of global opportunities. Taiwan strives to overcome kinds of problems to thrive in increasingly interconnected world. Taiwan’s journey towards bilingualism, while commendable, requires careful consideration of these challenges to ensure its ultimate success.


Source: 465. (n.d.). Taiwan’s bilingual 2030 plan. International Trade Administration | Trade.gov. https://www.trade.gov/market-intelligence/taiwans-bilingual-2030-plan

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