Giving to Earth Sciences

News: Department of Geological Sciences becomes Department of Earth Sciences

The following text describes the various UO Foundation funds that benefit our department, with instructions and links on how to donate.

Giving Online

To give online, follow the link of the fund to which you wish to make a contribution. You will be directed to an online payment form located on the University of Oregon Foundation Page. If you have problems with the online giving form, contact the UO Foundation webmaster, or call (541) 302-0337.

Giving by Check

If you prefer to make a donation by check, mail your check directly to the UO Foundation using the following address:

University of Oregon Foundation
360 E. 10th Avenue, Suite 202
Eugene OR 97401-3273

Your check should be made payable to the UO Foundation. Include the name of the fund to which you wish to donate (see text above) in the memo line.

The UO Foundation can also handle gifts in the form of financial securities, property, or matching gift programs sponsored by your employer.

Why give to the Department of Earth Sciences?

The faculty and staff in the department are committed to advancing the educational and scholarly mission of the university. However, limited financial resources restrict our ability to develop educational opportunities that benefit our students. Donations to the department and department-related funds allow us to provide a competitive education for our growing body of undergraduates and provide for our graduate students through teaching assistantships and research grants. The department of Earth Sciences relies on outside gifts to continue funding course field trips, travel support for graduate students presenting research, postdoctoral scholars, the department seminar, facility improvements, and the undergraduate geology club.

Our department greatly appreciates your contribution!