Introduction to Field Geology, ERTH 406

Introduction to Field Geology is a late-summer field course for current University of Oregon students – Earth Sciences majors, minors or the Earth Science degree program-curious.

Geologic mapping is a fundamental component of a geoscience education and in this course students will get on-the-ground and in-the field experience applying their classroom knowledge to field data collection, field observations, and map making. The Lower Owyhee Canyon south of Ontario, Oregon is a great location to begin cataloging sedimentary stratigraphy, working with topographic base maps, taking strike-and-dip measurements, and creating a geologic map.  Students in the Geology and Paleontology tracks of the Earth Sciences major who take this two-week course will only need to take 2 more 4-credit sections of summer field camp to complete the field camp requirement for their degree, as this course will count for 4 of the 12 required credits. The course also counts as an upper-division elective course in the other Earth Science tracks. The two week course will consist of three projects, with a half-day off for laundry or personal needs, a short field trip to other beautiful Owyhee locations, and 3-full days of travel between Eugene and Lake Owyhee. Project one will focus on using a topographic map in the field, taking notes, using the Brunton compass while making detailed observations of stratigraphy.
Project two will focus on lava flow stratigraphy, making a field plan, field illustrations, targeting for sampling, and testing field hypotheses.
Project three is a reconnaissance project, developing a one-day, blitz data collection plan and executing. Using either paper base map and compass OR Smartphone. Students will need to fill out this short online form so registration overrides can be processed.  This course is only open to current UO students, and so you must login to access the form.

Logistic details

Location and Facilities: Lake Owyhee State Park, McCormick Campground
Dates of Camp: August 25 through September 10, 2025
Course Prerequisites: ERTH 101 OR ERTH 201
Transportation: Motor Pool vans, no personal vehicles
Gear: Tent (may be rented), light sleeping bag and bedsheet, day backpack, sturdy boots, reusable water bottles, field clothes, and geoscience field gear. Detailed list available in late May.
Course fees: $900 (could be slightly less)

For more information, email the instructor Sammy Castonguay

Detailed Field Gear List

Provided by Department
Map Board
Brunton Compass
Grain size card
Bottle of dilute HCl
Sample Bags

Student provided; contact Sammy with any questions:
Field Pouch on belt (Cordura recommended, leather OK)
Rite-in-the-Rain field notebook; geological edition requested, no exceptions
5 or 7 mm mechanical pencil(s); drafting style recommended
Retractable eraser
01 & 05 Micron black ink pens
Colored Pencils
Hand lens, 10x on a lanyard
Rock Hammer, 7”, 22 ounce head either rubber or leather handle
At least 2, 2-liter water bottles
Sandwich box and re-usable lunch sack

Suggested but not required
Pencil Swing magnet
Hardness pick(s)
Downloading FieldMoveClino app on your smartphone, and a protective case

Field Clothes

Pants required: anything from lightweight zip-offs to heavy canvas; leggings not recommended
Short-sleeved shirts
Light-weight long sleeve shirt for sun repellent
Sun hat
Plenty of socks and undergarments
Swimming suit, as we are camping near a lake and hotsprings

Hygiene and personal care
Body and hair soap
Personal medications

Baby wipes

Approximate course schedule (draft)

Day 1 – load up and drive to Green Mountain; Four Craters lava field, and Crack-in-the-Ground
Day 2 – Hike cinder come, drive to Lake Owyhee
Day 3 – Project 1 – Deer Butte Stratigraphy
Day 4 – Project 1
Day 5 – Project 1
Day 6 – Project 1
Day 7 – day off
Day 8 – Project 2 – Owyhee Basalts
Day 9 – Project 2 – regional reconnaissance: Leslie Gulch
Day 10 – Project 2
Day 11 – Project 2
Day 12 – Project 2 (½ day field, ½ day office)
Day 13 – Project 3 – Reconnaissance project
Day 14 – depart campground early, drive to Eugene
Day 15 – 8 am review class, van cleaning, course evaluations.  End by Noon.