Advanced Field Geology

Looking for information on the ERTH 406 – Intro Field Geology course for UO students only?  Click here! 

To attend all three sections, there are course prerequisites of Field Methods, Mineralogy, Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, and Structural Geology or an equivalent level of expertise and instructor permission.  Prerequisites for individual sections depend upon the section you plan to attend. 

All sections are graded for majors; P/NP optional for all other students. There is a $900 course fee per section, above and beyond usual UO tuition and fees. External students will need to pay an additional non-refundable $100 “earnest money” fee to hold their space in the camp.  Partial scholarships are available for all UO students. The field camp application will open in late January 2023, and the link will be posted below. 

ERTH 406/606 Section 1: Environmental Geology, Eugene/Springfield area.

CRN : 40783 | June 21 – July 4 , 2024

This two-week course provides a comprehensive overview of standard field methods for assessing groundwater quantity and quality. We will cover stream gauging, well testing, sample collection and analysis, and other field techniques for water exploration, sampling, extraction for quantitative and qualitative assessment of groundwater flow and quality. The course objective is to provide students wishing to work in the professional field of hydrogeology with hands-on experience and practical knowledge of field hydrogeology.  UO dorms will be available (at cost) for those who need housing for this section.  

Introduction to Hydrogeology is the only prerequisite for this section.  Majors intending on completing their graduation requirements this summer who have not completed this course yet will be accommodated. 4 quarter-system credits. 

ERTH 406/606 Section 2: Classic Mapping A, Southwest Montana. 

CRN : 40782 | July 6 – July 22, 2024

Dillon Montana

This two-week field section is based in Dillon, Montana. We will be staying in dorms of the University of Montana, Western, which provide easy access to fabulous exposures of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. The also offer a classroom, showers, laundry facilities, and a cafeteria.  

Our projects will focus on the stratigraphy and structure of two places. The first, a moderately deformed area will allow everybody to develop basic mapping skills. The second area, which is more deformed, will challenge everybody to advance their skills up a notch.  Includes 4-day field trip to northern Montana including Glacier National Park. 4 quarter-system credits.  

ERTH 406/606 Section 3: Classic Mapping B,  Southwest Montana.

CRN : 40785 | July 16 – August 2, 2024

Rock formation Block Mountain , montana

This third section will focus on the complexly deformed area called Block Mountain, just north of Dillon. The structures include imbricate thrust faults and large-and small-scale overturned folds of multiple generations, which we will characterize using a combination of on-the-ground mapping, Google Earth Technology, and structural analysis. 

This section overlaps in time with section 2 as it starts, rather than ends with the field trip to northern Montana. We’ll continue to live in the dorms at U of Montana, Western and make use of their facilities. July 21 and August 1, which are office days, will be back home in Eugene. 

To apply:  

To complete the application, you should have a copy of your transcript(s) handy and know the date of your last tetanus immunization or booster.  Non-UO students will also need to provide the name of the geoscience professor who they will ask to write their letter of recommendation and upload a document (.pdf or .jpg) outlining their prerequisite coursework or equivalents. 

The Summer 2024 course application

The application deadline is March 25, 2024. There is no application fee, and if you have all your materials at hand, it should only take about 10 minutes to complete. If there are spaces available after that date, the application link will remain open on this page.  Complete applications from external (non-UO students) will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

There will be course fees above and beyond the University fees.  These fees are currently estimated at $900 per section.  External students will need to pay an additional non-refundable $100 “earnest money” fee for each section to hold their space in the camp.

See links below for more information.

Field camp student expenses
Field study scholarship opportunities
Equipment List
UO Field Camp FAQ
Camp Safety and Anti-Harassment policies